BİMaffiliated with FİLE
Market Chain made a remarkable decision to improve customer experience. The grocery chain will eliminate cash shopping in some of its branches and allow payment only with credit and debit cards. This change will come into force as of July 8, 2024.
The announcement, appearing in a visual taken inside the market, informs customers about the new application. The announcement includes the following statements: “Dear customers, as of 08.07.2024, payment will be made only with credit/debit cards in order to have a more practical, faster and hygienic shopping experience for purchases made in this store.”
Shocking decision from the famous grocery chain, they will no longer accept cash
This decision FİLE Markets
ChainIt is considered as an important step taken by . to increase customer satisfaction and improve the shopping experience. The elimination of cash aims to provide a faster shopping experience by reducing transaction times at the checkout. At the same time, this change also provides a significant advantage in terms of hygiene. Passing cash from hand to hand can pose a hygienic risk. Payment only by card minimizes this risk.
FİLE Market ChainThis step will also contribute to the spread of digital payment methods and the faster adaptation of consumers to these methods. While digital payment systems are becoming an indispensable part of the modern shopping experience, FİLEThis move by ‘s offers great convenience for customers who embrace technology and seek practical solutions.
If this application is successful, FİLE Market ChainSimilar changes are expected to be made in other branches of . The company may plan to roll out this app more widely, taking into account its customers’ feedback.
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