Attack on Titan has become a huge phenomenon among both manga and anime lovers. However, the differences between these two formats can sometimes surprise fans, especially when it comes to scenes that appear in the manga series but are not included in the anime adaptation. We can see huge differences.
The exciting world of Attack on Titan will delight both manga readers and anime viewers He manages to attract himself. However, even among loyal followers of both formats, there is still a lot of interest in the manga. not included in the anime series There is a vast lack of information about some scenes.
When you learn which scenes are there, we are sure you will agree why they were not broadcast in the anime. This with hidden details Are you ready to dive deeper into the series?
Attention! This content contains both spoilers and disturbing elements. If you have not finished the anime, you need to leave the content immediately.
Are there any old viewers among us who remember this couple? The ending was quite tragic…
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helplessly giving heart massage and asking Armin for help was one of the heartbreaking scenes. Even now that we think about it, we have become worse.
Have you ever wondered how this heart-melting scene was in the manga?
Anime version:
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Manga version:
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We saw Levi Ackerman in serious combat for the first time in this panel and on stage. Likewise himself Monkey Giant He was involved in an eternal feud with the
You thought it was an innocent punch, didn’t you?
Anime version:
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Manga version:
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Eren’in Attack Giant form It was one of those scenes that he slowly learned to use. We also saw a bloodier scene for the Armored Giant in the following episodes.
It was definitely one of the scenes that should have been shown in the anime because we couldn’t fully experience the emotion.
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Even though Hannes is a good character, the anime your character will die It was so obvious that, frankly, we were a little disturbed by this situation. Hannes-san, you are one of the rare characters that we think deserve a much better scene.
He is a character who pays a heavy price for his actions and is hated by the audience.
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Faye Jeager (Grisha Jeager’s younger sister) being brutally murdered by dogs He was the character that caused it. We think he is among the most hated ones by the entire fandom.
It was a scene that was shown for seconds, but the manga version is truly terrifying.
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Dhalis Zachary wasn’t shown much in the anime, but a bad assassination He had become a victim.
It would be a lie if we said this torture scene didn’t remind us of Hange and Levi.
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Grisha Jeager, stopped by in Eldia It was one of countless tortures.
A shot from the episode that made us shed tears, we think it’s a good thing it wasn’t made into a manga version.
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Faye Jeager’s death was actually the trigger for many events. Eren’s; His father Grisha entered his memories and cried while watching this scene, Eldia hatred It was one of the biggest reasons.
The moment when the entire fandom went crazy with one heart in this scene.
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Just when you thought he killed you, he was going to kill you, he suddenly appeared. Levi ve Zeke scene… We got chills while writing it.
It wasn’t an innocent scene anyway, but you didn’t expect it to be this brutal, right?
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Grisha Jeager’s reckless efforts to gain power He killed countless characters A panel full of blood.
So, which manga panel surprised you the most? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comments and if you want the series to continue.
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