Palworld, also known as Armed Pokemon, showed an unprecedented rise after its release. The production, which managed to leave iconic games such as PUBG and CS 2 behind, experienced a sharp decrease in the number of players in just two weeks.
Palworld player count dropped by 1.3 million
Palworld, developed by Pocketpair, reached its peak in player count on January 27. SteamThe production, which has more than 2 million concurrent players, has managed to leave many games behind. But just two weeks later, on February 10, concurrent players dropped by 1.3 million to 757 thousand.
In fact, it is reasonable for there to be a slight decrease in the number of players after the launch excitement of a game. However, the magnitude of Palworld’s decline and the fact that it lost 1.3 million players in just a few weeks attracted attention.
For comparison, the Battle Royale game PUBG’s record in the number of concurrent players was more than 3 million. However, it managed to maintain this number for about four months and today it has a player count of 200 to 400 thousand.
Despite the huge drop, Palworld’s daily player count is more than 700 thousand. Since it can also be played via Xbox and Game Pass, it is possible to say that the total number of players is more than 1 million. But it looks like Pocketpair needs a major update to maintain its popularity.
So what do you think about this issue? You can share your opinions with us in the Comments section below.
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