When Apple introduced the first Macbook Air, it also introduced an accessory called Apple USB SuperDrive. The MacBook Air was the first MacBook without an internal CD drive, forcing the company to introduce a separately sold optical drive. Although people who hear the name today think it is an external disk, at that time everyone who heard it could understand that it was a CD / DVD player.
Apple USB SuperDrive is Sold Out in the USA!
We can easily say “nowadays” because Apple was still selling this accessory. However, after 16 years, those who enter the US Apple Store to purchase the Apple USB SuperDrive are greeted with the message “Sold Out”.
This product is still on sale in Apple Turkey, but we are sure that it will not be available again after the stocks run out. Of course, the reason why the stock is not exhausted, that is, the product is still in Turkey, is obvious: Today, CD / DVD usage is at a minimum level.
Apple 15 inch MacBook Air Features and Price
In this guide, we will answer frequently asked questions about the features and price of the 15-inch Macbook Air. Here are the details about the new MacBook Air model!
This product, which has a price tag of 3,319.00 TL, connects via USB-A and supports USB 2.0 technology. So, you need a USB-C converter adapter to use this product on your computer. Do you still need a CD / DVD drive today? Let’s discuss in the comments.
Source link: https://www.tamindir.com/haber/apple-superdrive-satisi-durduruldu_89766/