Design details and color options of the Samsung Galaxy S25 series have been leaked. More information about the new models will be announced on January 22.
Samsung plans to introduce it on January 22 planned Galaxy Official press images of three devices of the S25 series have been leaked. With the shared images, the design and color options of the phones were revealed.
It was initially announced that four devices would be introduced, but it turned out that only three models (Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra) would be officially introduced. With only six days until the launch, this Official images of three phones leaked. Each of them will appear in four different color options.
Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+ will have similar designs
Galaxy S25 ve Galaxy S25+ The differences between them are quite small, almost unnoticeable. Both models have similar designs and are very close to each other in terms of color options. The notable features of these models, which come in color options such as light blue, light green, dark blue and silver, include thin frames and flat screens.
Galaxy S25 Ultra It draws attention with a new design with more rounded lines. Offered in four color options with thin frames and titanium base, this model offers a significant change in design. At the same time, the lack of renders of the Galaxy S25 Slim model shows that its introduction may be postponed for a while.
Leaked images The design of the Galaxy S25 series revealed clearly. The details of the new device are expected to be announced in more detail at the event on January 22.
Samsung Galaxy S25:
Samsung Galaxy S25+:
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra:
Design of Samsung Galaxy S25 Slim Revealed: It Will Be Even Bigger Than Galaxy S25+
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