A recent scientific study revealed striking facts about the behavior of candidates during elections. In this content, we will take a look at the details of that research.
This year, by Mona Dian in the magazine Party Politics “Dark” positivity: Do candidates with a more aversive personality use positive campaigning more often?” isimli bir makale yayımlandı.
in Turkish “Dark” positivity: Do candidates with more unattractive personalities use positive campaigns more often?” In this article, which is The effect of politicians’ personality traits on whether the campaign is aggressive or positive. is being examined.
The research approaches this issue from a different perspective. Researcher Dian takes into account that not every politician with a bad personality has to choose aggressive and aggressive election campaigns. On the contrary, even though they have a bad personality They can make more inclusive and positive election campaigns in order to be misleading. He tries to prove his hypothesis scientifically.
Within the scope of the research, three personality disorders called “dark triad” were discussed.
dark triad concept; It consists of personality disorders such as narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy. Before going into the details of the study, which aims to determine what kind of campaigns politicians with these personality disorders prefer, let’s take a look at what these personality disorders are.
narcissism, It is explained as the admiration a person has for himself. It is known that people with narcissistic personality disorder are quite selfish and lack empathy.
Makyavelizm, It is a personality disorder characterized by manipulative behavior, exploitation of other people for the Machiavellian person’s own benefit, lack of empathy and morality, and ruthlessness, similar to narcissism.
If it is psychopathy, Similarly, it is a personality disorder that manifests itself with symptoms such as lack of empathy, anti-social behavior and harming other people.
This research is conducted on 2,133 candidates participating in local elections in Germany.
Of the participants included in the research, 13.4% support the Christian Democrats (CDU), 13.5% support the Social Democrats (SPD), 6.7% support the Alternative for Germany (AfD), and 11% support the Alternative for Germany (AfD). 8% belongs to the Liberal Party (FDP), 11.1% belongs to the Left Party (DIE LINKE), 15.5% belongs to the Greens (GRÜNE) and 28.1% belongs to other parties. is seen. Well politicians of almost every persuasion included in the research.
Participants aged between 18 and 87 34.6% are women and 65.4% are men.
According to the findings; As the rate of a person having the mentioned dark triad personality traits increases, the tendency to prefer positive election campaigns also increases.
People with personality disorders such as narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy, they see themselves as much better than they are is known.
Based on this, the research shows that politicians with dark triad personality traits appeal to voters by making positive election campaigns. It is also possible for them to try to present themselves as better than they are. It is said.
It is stated that politicians with these characteristics tend to use both types of election campaigns to extremes.
One of the common characteristics of people with dark personality traits is that they for their own interests and benefits It is stated that he carried out actions.
Based on this, many election campaigners Politicians also aim to benefit themselves. The researcher stated that this behavior of politicians is based on benefit maximization, just like the dark triad personality traits. emphasizes the similarity between them.
Finally, the tendency of politicians with these personality traits to engage in positive campaigns is not affected by other characteristics.
of persons age, gender, party affiliation, ideologies and radicalism When considered according to other characteristics such as, it is stated that these characteristics do not have an effect on the ability of politicians with bad characters to use positive election campaigns.
Of course, this research also has some limitations.
Researcher Dian stated that although the survey was anonymous, the data used in this research was obtained directly from the people themselves through the survey. a state of bias He states that he can create it. In other words, even if it is assumed that the majority answers honestly Since the participants filled out the survey themselves, in the survey form He may not have responded honestly to every statement.
To reach a more precise result, all participants by an expert After the examination, it is necessary to make a diagnosis regarding personality traits and repeat this analysis on the politicians who have been diagnosed. Of course, whether politicians will allow this is another matter…
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/kotu-kisilikli-siyasetci-secimler-h141148.html