Qualcomm announced that new laptops with “Snapdragon X Elite” processors will offer video game support. Although the company has made confident statements, it is not clear what kind of experience the end user will have.
One of the important names in the chip world Qualcommmade a very important statement within the scope of the Game Developers Conference (GDC) events. According to the company’s statement, it is branded as Qualcomm ARM based processorsTo be used on Windows laptops. Moreover, these processors are also suitable for video games. support will present. The Verge has learned that laptops with “Snapdragon X Elite” processors will meet consumers in the summer.
As a matter of fact Snapdragon X Elite Computers with processors have been in our lives since last year. However, these models have so far appeared as business-oriented devices. This situation will change in the coming months. Qualcomm also provides support to developers regarding the game support of computers. some options will present.
A dedicated emulator will allow games to be run
According to Qualcomm’s statement, developers can run video games on computers with Snapdragon It will happen even if they do nothing. Because Qualcomm will offer a special emulator on the subject. This emulator will perform the necessary operations in the background and ensure that the games run. But this moreover there is also.
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Developers who wish to make their games fully compatible with Snapdragon They will be able to port it to ARM64 base. This method will ensure the best performance from the CPU. On the other hand; developers Create an ARM64EC application will also be allowed.
Of course, CPU power alone is not enough for a game to run on a computer. GPU is also very important. According to the statements made by Qualcomm, developers will not have any problems with the GPU. Because Qualcomm has announced that the Snapdragon will support told.
Qualcomm explains which games it tested with Snapdragon X Elite processor laptops and what results it reached from these tests. did not explain. However, the statements made reveal that Qualcomm is confident. We’ll wait a while longer to see how things will be for the end user. will have to wait.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/qualcomm-snapdragon-x-elite-oyun-oynanabilecek-h141875.html