23 thousand people are currently playing Valve’s yet-to-be-announced game

Thousands of people play Deadlock

Deadlock, which has not yet been officially announced or approved, is actually not being tested very secretly. For SteamDB According to the data, the game is instantly more than 23 thousand has reached the player. Deadlock seems like a pretty interesting game, it’s not really a game at all; it’s more like multiple games put together. Because, as we said, it has inspirations from hero-oriented shooter games and other MOBA games.

Developed since 2018 and by some “new DotaCurrently in Deadlock, which was launched as 20 heroes is available. The abilities of each hero are naturally different, requiring constant change in play style. It is stated that for this test version, the servers are open 12 hours every day. You can see more about the game in the video below.

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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/valve-in-henuz-duyurulmayan-oyununu-anlik-23-bin-kisi-oynuyor–180696