Designed by Divyansh Tripathi of Indian origin, the smart calculator called OBSCURA is capable of solving even hand-written problems. A new type of calculator.
OBSCURA calculator, which has artificial intelligence and an advanced camera, can understand and solve problems involving handwriting drawn on paper.
designer of indian origin Divyansh Tripathiof OBSCURA The smart calculator invention plans to solve all numerical problems in a single machine. This calculator has a camera that can take a photo of a handwritten formula and run it through analyzers such as Socratic, Photomath, Microsoft Maths Solver. In addition, it also has a microphone for those who want to ask their questions out loud.
Although the interface on this device is like many powerful calculators, it works with artificial intelligence and stands out with touch control to adjust the viewer or move the cursor on the screen.
While this math-solving machine is controversial due to potential misuse, the technology itself is pretty impressive and could be used for good. OBSCURA promises to do some routine work, especially with solution control, but the user is required to use this power responsibly.
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