Fire at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
The cause of the fire is unknown
The Zaporizhzhia plant, which has six nuclear reactors, is currently in cold shutdown. Despite this, the facility depends on external power sources to keep its nuclear material cold and prevent potential disasters. The ongoing conflict has made the security of the plant a critical concern.
The power plant has six VVER-1000 pressurized light water nuclear reactors (PWR), each fueled by 235U (LEU) and producing 950 MWe power. These reactors produce a total of 5,700 MW of electrical power. The power plant provided nearly half of the country’s electricity from nuclear energy in 2020 and more than a fifth of the total electricity produced in Ukraine. A few days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces seized both nuclear and thermal power plants and control of the plant was given to Rosatom. The Zaporizhzhia plant has not produced energy since then.
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