A new era in laser communication technology
Written statement from NASA, “This achievement is part of a series of tests on new technology that could provide live video images of astronauts on the Moon during Artemis missions.” It was said.
Teams working at NASA carry out the processes of sending information to space and receiving information from space. radio waves It does it using . However laser communication technologyfrom radio frequency systems thanks to infrared light 10 to 100 times faster enables data transmission.
NASA temporarily installed a portable laser terminal on the fuselage of the Pilatus PC-12 aircraft. It then flew over Lake Erie and sent data from the plane to an optical ground station in Cleveland. This data was sent over a network on Earth to NASA’s White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces, New Mexico, where scientists transmitted the data using infrared light signals.
The signals traveled about 35,000 kilometers from Earth to NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD), an experimental platform in orbit. The LCRD then transferred the signals to the ILLUMA-T (Integrated LCRD LEO User Modem and Amplifier Terminal) payload mounted on the orbiting laboratory. This payload sent data back to Earth.
During the experiments, a new system developed at Glenn, High-Speed Delay Tolerant Network (HDTN), helped the signal penetrate cloud cover more effectively. Dr. “We can now build on the success of 4K HD video streaming to the space station to provide capabilities that will be important for crew well-being and activity coordination, such as HD video conferencing for our astronauts on the Artemis mission,” said Daniel Raible.
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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/nasa-dan-bir-ilk-lazer-teknolojisiyle-uzaya-4k-video-gonderildi–179891