A couple named Joe Velaidum and Laura Kelly live on the island called “Prince Edward” in Canada. It will not be possible to come across experienced an incident. A meteor crashed in front of the couple’s house, and the house’s video doorbell system captured those moments moment by moment. What is impressive about this case is that It was the sound made when a meteor hit.
Geologist named Chris Herd, who continues his studies at the University of Alberta, said that it is no longer surprising that meteor falls are recorded, but the sound of the moment when the meteor falls is recorded. He stated that it was probably the first time. So, this incident probably happened for the first time in history.
Here is the sound a meteor makes when it falls
The owners of the house where the incident occurred were not at home at the time of the incident. When they arrived, they were standing in front of the door of the house. They noticed the mess.. People who could not understand anything at the first stage, later came to the idea that this could be a meteor. After watching the footage recorded by the doorbell, Joe Velaidum and Laura Kelly realized the incident. They reported it to the authorities.
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The photo above is of the meteor. shows where it fell. If we combine this image with the video, we can say that the meteor fall could be truly frightening. Because something like this happening so close to us is a must. causes injury.
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