Scientists discovered a new planet called Gliese 12 b. This planet, which is almost the same size as Earth, has common features with Venus. Gliese 12 b also attracts attention with its proximity to Earth.
A group of scientists discovered a new planet very similar to Earth. “Gliese 12 bThis new planet, called “”, is just a short distance away from Earth. 40 light years away and is a similar size, though slightly smaller, compared to Earth. The planet, which orbits a small and cold red dwarf star, has a structure similar to Venus.
The surface temperature of Gliese 12 b is just shy of Earth’s surface temperature. 10 degrees Celsius more. Moreover, one year on this planet corresponds to only 12.8 days on Earth. Because Gliese 12 b is located very close to its own sun and rotates very fast. According to scientists, the energy that the newly discovered planet receives from its own sun is greater than the energy that the Earth receives from the Sun. 1,6 kat more.
It is currently unknown whether it has an atmosphere or not.
One of the most important unknowns about Gliese 12 b, which has a structure similar to Earth, is whether it has an atmosphere. However, scientists say that they will also conduct studies on this. If Gliese 12 b has a watery atmosphere, the planet could one day new life center of humanity It could be genius.
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Thomas Wilson, one of the scientists who worked on the discovery of the planet, said that Gliese 12 b very rare to find He said it was a planet. Stating that such planets are normally very far away from the Earth, the scientist said that Gliese 12 b is close to the Earth. nearest size He stated that it was a hot planet.
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