Switch 2 will be released in March 2025
According to the report, Switch 2’s release in early 2025 and the fact that there is still almost a year until that date will ensure that Nintendo does not experience stock problems. Additionally, March 2025 is still for the company. during the financial year Therefore, it makes financial sense for the new handheld console to be released in March 2025. With this The original Switch was also released on March 3, 2017..
Although there are a lot of rumors about Nintendo Switch 2 as of now, specific information is very little, so what is known is limited. Rumor has it that the console, to a bigger screen (current console has a 6.2-inch screen), with all Switch games backwards compatibility, ray tracing ve NVIDIA DLSS Ray Reconstruction will have support. In terms of performance, the Switch 2 is almost in line with what the Xbox Series S can do. 1080p smooth gaming experience is expected to present.
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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/yeni-rapora-gore-nintendo-switch-2-mart-2025-tarihinde-cikacak–174607