Apple plans to offer important innovations to its users with AirPods Pro 3, which it will introduce in 2025. It is stated that the new model will have Apple’s advanced H3 chip, updated design and a much better active noise canceling (ANC) feature. So, what new features await us in the new headset? Details are in our news…
AirPods Pro 3: It will offer three new features with the H3 chip
First, AirPods Pro 3 will feature Apple’s brand new H3 chip. The previous H2 chip had already made a huge leap forward in sound quality and noise canceling features. It is said that the H3 chip will take these features even further and offer additional functions. It is also rumored that there will be an improvement in battery life.
We estimate that the AirPods Pro 3 model will not completely change its current design, which is appreciated by users. However, according to rumors, size of earphone stems or in-ear fit It is planned to increase user comfort with small improvements such as.
AirPods Pro 3 will take the existing ANC technology one step further and offer an advanced noise canceling system. New noise canceling systemThe H3 chip is expected to work more effectively by taking advantage of its improved processing power.
Also, Apple’s new model heart rate monitoring and body temperature detection It is said that it can offer health properties such as. With such innovations, AirPods Pro will now be referred to as a health tracking device rather than an audio device. However, there is a possibility that these features may be delayed due to legal approval processes.
The new Pro 3 will be introduced with the iPhone 17 series in September. These new features offered by Apple seem to exceed users’ expectations.
What other features do you think AirPods Pro 3 should have? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.
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