The Competition Authority launched an official investigation to investigate whether Apple prevents competition through applications in its application store, the App Store. At the center of this investigation are issues such as whether Apple forces application developers to use only its own payment system and whether it negatively affects competition by restricting access to alternative payment methods.
An investigation has been opened against Apple! Alright what now?
Additionally, it will be examined whether Apple’s 30% commission rate for in-app purchases provides unfair profits and whether these practices have a negative impact on consumers.
Apple has faced similar antitrust lawsuits in many countries and in some cases reached agreements with regulatory authorities by making changes. However, this investigation launched in Turkey will be an important examination of Apple’s business model. The evaluations to be made by the Competition Authority in this process may contribute to improving the competitive conditions of digital markets in Turkey.
Within the scope of the investigation, factors such as how Apple’s restrictions on application developers affect market dynamics and how restrictions on access to other payment systems shape competition in the sector will be discussed in detail. In this context, it is eagerly awaited whether Apple will make any changes to its current applications and what steps it will take to protect competition.
This investigation initiated by the Competition Authority against Apple is considered an important development in terms of making competition conditions in the digital economy and application stores more fair and transparent. The final findings and conclusions of the investigation could also set a precedent for other major players in the industry.
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