First announced in 2020, Ark: The Animated Series was originally planned to be released in 2022. However, the series was first postponed to 2023 and about a year later to 2024. A release date for the series has been expected to be announced ever since. However, Paramount+ made a surprise move and suddenly offered the series to the audience, whose broadcast date has not yet been announced. The first six episodes of the 13-episode first season took their place on the Paramount+ platform yesterday. The remaining seven episodes will be released in the coming months.
Ark: The Animated Series Features an Impressive Voice Cast
For now, it remains unclear whether the series will be offered on a different platform in markets where Paramount+ is not available, such as Turkey. However, considering that even popular Paramount + series such as Halo do not have an official broadcaster in our country, the probability of this happening does not seem high.
In the voice cast Michelle Yeoh, Russell Crowe, Gerard Butler, Vin Diesel, David Tennant, Jeffrey Wright, Elliot Page The series, which includes famous names such as, begins with a paleontologist living on today’s Earth suddenly opening his eyes to a world he does not recognize, and draws the audience into the Ark universe.
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