Like every month, this month too Android Security update has been released for. The August 2024 update, which was first released for Google Pixel devices, started to be released by Samsung immediately afterwards. While Galaxy M55 was the first device to receive the update, it has now been announced for flagship models. Here are the devices that received the Samsung August 2024 update…
Samsung August 2024 update for Galaxy S24, S23, and more
With the beginning of August, the regular security package on the Android side began to be released. After Pixel devices, Samsung continues to make moves and send updates to devices one by one. According to the statements made, the new security update repairs 50 vulnerabilities, 15 of which are marked as high priority.
The update released for Samsung’s newest S series flagship Galaxy S24 series comes with software version S92XBXXS3AXGF for devices with model numbers SM-S921B, SM-S926B, and SM-S928B. The update, which is currently available for European devices, will come to you soon if it hasn’t arrived yet.
The August 2024 security update, which was also released for the Galaxy S23 series, was released to devices in America with model numbers SM-S911U1, SM-S916U1, and SM-S918U1 with software version S91XU1UES4CXG8. Another S series device that received the update is Galaxy S20 It was FE. The update released in the United States for model number SM-G781U has software version G781USQSIHXG1.
Finally, the update released for the Galaxy F55, which is not on sale in our country, was released with software version E556BXXU3AXG7. Since updates vary from region to region, your devices may not have received the update yet, so you can wait for it to be released. So, what do you think about this issue? You can share your thoughts in the comments.
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