Bad News for Those Waiting for Special Consumption Tax Reduction on Automobiles!

While various steps were taken in line with the fight against inflation and the Medium Term Program targets, some privileges were also granted to retirees. However, as the difficulties in citizens’ purchasing power continue, the expectation of a SCT reduction for automobiles continues to increase.

Automotive journalist Emre Özpeynirci said that the “SCT reduction for automobiles” claims, which have been frequently brought to the agenda recently, do not reflect the truth. He announced the actual SCT revenue from automobile sales.


Hybrid Vehicles to be Sold with SCT Discounts

A decision regarding hybrid vehicles that will be sold with Special Consumption Tax discounts was published in the Official Gazette. So, what are the hybrid vehicles that will be sold with SCT discounts?

Everything Will Fall, Special Consumption Tax Will Not Fall

Emre Özpeynirci, who follows the automotive industry closely, answered the questions on citizens’ minds in his post on his social media account.

Özpeynirci stated that the news of SCT reduction for retirees does not reflect the truth. Emphasizing that such allegations are completely unfounded, he confirmed that these allegations are not true with the information he received directly from the authorities.

In another post on the subject, Emre Özpeynirci announced the revenues obtained from SCT. The statements in Özpeynirci’s post on the subject are listed below:

  • While the automotive market decreased by 17.21% in July, the SCT revenue collected by the state from automotive increased by 7.08% and reached 49 billion TL. This year’s highest SCT collection was realized on a monthly basis.
  • While the automotive market decreased by 0.28% in January-July, that is, in the first 7 months, SCT revenue increased by 30.69% and reached 274.1 billion TL.
  • Thus, 55.1% of the year-end budget target was collected at the end of 7 months.
  • While the share of SCT collected from automotive in all tax revenues in July 2023 was 10.15%, this share decreased to 8% in 2024. The share, which was 10.22% at the end of 7 months last year, decreased to 7.17% this year (The reason is the increase in tax revenues).

With the statements of automotive journalist Emre Özpeynirci, a little clarity was given to citizens who expected a SCT reduction on automobiles.

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