Bad news for those waiting for The Old Guard 2

This success of The Old Guard paved the way for its sequel. As a matter of fact, The Old Guard 2 was given the green light shortly after the first movie was released. The film entered the set in 2022 and Shooting will be completed in August 2022. That’s why it was thought that the movie would be released in 2023. However, in the two and a half years since, the film has gone into a complete crisis. The movie, which was expected to be released in 2023, may not be released in 2024 and may not be released in 2025.

The Old Guard 2 Team Returns to the Set Again

It is not known exactly what the problem is with The Old Guard 2, the main shooting of which was completed in 2022, but obviously Netflix is ​​not happy with the movie. That’s why the movie needs to be revised again. In fact, for these revisions, they returned to the set in October last year, after a two-year break. But apparently that wasn’t enough. Because now it is stated that The Old Guard team will have to return to the set again.

Additional filming on The Old Guard 2 is planned to take place this summer. This means that the movie, which has been awaited for four years, will not be released anytime soon.

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