New generation flagship phones with Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 processor, up to 7,000mAh It is said that it may be released with large batteries. The new battery technology used in the current generation SiC (Silicon-Carbon) It is said that it will offer higher capacity and faster charging support than batteries. So, what is the advantage of new generation batteries? Details are in our news…
We can see 7,000mAh batteries on phones with Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 processors
According to the latest information we received, small screen Snapdragon 8 Elite Gen 2 phones Above 6,000mAhin high-end models 7,000mAh batteries may be included. So much so that these batteries will not only increase capacity but also enable thinner phone designs. A reliable source of leaks Digital Chat Stationthese batteries are also 120W fast charging He also states that he will provide support.
This means that users can charge their phones in a much shorter time. Xiaomi’s new battery solution On 16 series phones It is rumored that it may take place. At the same time, Realme GT 7 Pro of the model 6.400mAh It is also stated that it will have a high-capacity battery. It is stated that the new technology will increase the performance of the phones of these brands while maintaining energy efficiency.
Existing SiC batteries were able to combine large capacities with thin designs. However, it is not yet clear what additional advantages the new battery technology offers over SiC. Still, the potential to reduce the size of devices while offering more capacity is quite high.
How much do you think larger batteries can change the user experience? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.
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