Samsung with the Galaxy S24 series Android made its mark on the market. It seems that there will be changes in the Galaxy S25, the upper version of the device that stands out with its Galaxy AI, camera and processor features. According to the resulting images, there will be a major design change in the Galaxy S25 Ultra and we will say goodbye to sharp edges. Here are the details…
Even though we are months away from the Galaxy S25 Unpacked event, the leaks are endless. The design of the flagship S25 Ultra developed by Samsung has now been leaked. According to the first look images, Galaxy S25 Ultra will come with a curved design.
The S25 Ultra, which Samsung is expected to introduce in the first months of 2025, apparently leaves the sharp edges on the S24 Ultra to curved edges. Although the sharp edges on the S24 Ultra looked nice, they made it difficult to use, according to user comments. In other words, switching to a curved screen on the S25 Ultra may provide ease of use.
Compared to the Galaxy S24 Ultra, the phone to be introduced is expected to have the same screen dimensions. Of course, improvements on the screen side are also among the possibilities. Allegedly, the Galaxy S25 Ultra will be powered by the new design and the more advanced processor Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 for Galaxy.
Although the Exynos 2500 processor is offered in some regions for the Galaxy S25 and Galaxy S25+, there is no such difference in the Ultra models. As for the camera, 200 megapixel main, 50 megapixel telephoto, 50 megapixel super telephoto, and 50 megapixel ultra wide angle camera will be used. So, do you like the Galaxy S25 Ultra design? You can share your thoughts in the comments.
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