The film adaptation of the Borderlands game series will hit the big screen this Friday. After its premiere, it remained at the center of various criticisms. The first reactions on social media showed that the film was not liked.
Why is the Borderlands movie disliked?
The Borderlands movie, starring stars such as Cate Blanchett and Jack Black, has been in the waiting phase for years. The new production, prepared in partnership with Lionsgate and Gearbox, was the target of criticism. Most of the audience criticisms stated that the film had a lackluster script and that the pace was not sufficient.
Many comments stated that the plot was rushed and boring. It was also stated that the characters’ chemistry did not match. The attempts at humor were also unsuccessful, with many viewers calling the jokes outdated.
Visual effects also became another source of complaint. Some viewers criticized the action scenes, saying they looked both expensive and cheap. Additionally, giving the film a family-friendly PG-13 rating was seen as a commercial move.
Some critics liked the general structure of the film. Stating that Borderlands was enjoyable from start to finish, the audience agreed that Kate Blanchett and Kevin Hart were enough to carry the movie. Let us note that the IMDb score of the movie remains at 5.2.
Game Let us remind you that the movie based on the series will be released on August 9. Although it was not appreciated after the premiere, the first comments of the audience will be known this weekend.
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