As successful as the Borderlines game series is, the movie seems to have failed as well.
Borderlans series with its own attitude2K It is the most successful game series of such a successful studio. Borderlands 2 attracts attention as the best-selling game released by the company to date. Borderlans Both the in-game scenes and the introductions of the series are always impressive. Naturally, fans of the series have been waiting for a Borderlands movie for years.
In the squad Jamie Lee Curtis, Cate Blanchette, Kevin Hart ve Jack Black The Borderlands movie, featuring names like, is a failed production according to critics on Rotten Tomatoes.
0% came with that squad
Although there are important stars in the film’s cast and a serious budget was spent on the production, Borderlands The film did not receive even a low score from Rotten Tomatoes critics, it was given no score at all. The film’s rating from critics It became 0%.
Here some important points It is necessary to pay attention. The film was not watched by many critics. However, there are very few productions adapted from a computer game that are appreciated by Rotten Tomatoes critics. The Super Mario Bros. It stands out for having managed to exceed a billion dollars at the box office, even though it is currently at 59% on Rotten Tomatoes.
What are your thoughts about the Borderlands movie? Will you watch this movie in the theater or wait for it to hit streaming platforms?
Rockstar’s Roof Company Acquires the Developer of Borderlands: New Borderlands Game is Coming!
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