The debate about whether artificial intelligence can be a real inventor has been partially concluded. US officials decided that artificial intelligence could be used during discoveries, but an artificial intelligence cannot have a patent.
Artificial intelligence, which has become an integral fact of our lives in recent times, can be used in almost every field today. In fact, if you use artificial intelligence correctly discovering new things even possible. Well, in such a case, artificial intelligence, as an inventor Is it acceptable? The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) answered this question.
The debate on the issue began with a decision made by the USPTO in 2020. A researcher named Stephen Thaler also mentioned the name of artificial intelligence in a document related to a study he conducted. among inventors spent. The USPTO did not accept this because the inventor could only be a real person. After the incident was litigated, the court issued the USPTO’s decision. approved. A different court also focused on artificial intelligence systems. copyright cannot be granted decided.
“Artificial intelligence cannot own a patent”
A series after public consultation Publishing a new guide, USPTO made the following decision regarding the use of artificial intelligence during new discoveries:
Non-real persons—that is, artificial intelligence—cannot be listed as inventors in patent applications. However, the use of an artificial intelligence system by a real person does not prevent a real person from being considered an inventor.
The above statement means that an artificial intelligence you can’t be an inventor However, it means that an individual can receive support from artificial intelligence during an exploration. However, according to the USPTO, the individual applying for a patent must include this information in the documents he/she submits. On the other hand; In order for an individual who receives support from artificial intelligence to be considered an inventor, that person must be responsible for the discovery. must have made a significant contribution. In other words, not every random discovery made with artificial intelligence will make the user an inventor.
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So what do you think about this? In your opinion, can artificial intelligence be considered a real inventor?
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