Brain chip breakthrough from China
According to reports, the system developed by NeuCyber NeuroTech and the China Brain Research Institute consists of soft electrode filaments placed in the brain. Researchers NeuCyber Array BMI SystemHe says it fills the gap in high-performance invasive brain-machine interface (BMI) technology in China.
China aims for cognitive development
Research in the USA or other western countries is carried out with extreme precision and strictness. Brain chips that require surgery or are attached to the head without surgery have the potential to have effects on human health. That’s why regulatory bodies are strict on human experiments. Even Neuralink implanted a brain chip into its first human subject at a time when we can call it new.
Interpreting electrical signals from the scalp is reportedly much more difficult than interpreting what’s inside the brain, but there is a major effort in China to use machine learning techniques to improve the analysis of brain signals.
There are similar studies in the USA
However, it is stated that there is a serious difference in approach between China and the USA. While the US distinguishes between civilian and military research, on the Chinese side, the line between them is very blurry.
This blurred structure is attributed to the fact that China’s government structure, sociocultural norms, and neuroscience research goals are closely aligned with its military objectives. It is also said that if China begins to adopt BCIs at an early stage, it could pose a threat to the national security of the United States. Experts and researchers are concerned that BCI technology could become a state-controlled weapon.
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