With WhatsApp’s new artificial intelligence feature, users will be able to create their own visuals with artificial intelligence.
WhatsApp, some time ago Meta AI It started to make its features available. Thanks to this tool, users could get answers to their questions using artificial intelligence during their chats. In addition, creating visuals is also possible with these artificial intelligences. This feature will now be further developed.
in WhatsApp beta When we examine the features, we see artificial intelligence features that will enable users to create visuals based on themselves. So once artificial intelligence learns what we look like, it will be able to create images as we wish. For this, a new information card will be added to WhatsApp.
One selfie is enough
According to the statements in the information card take a single selfie, will be enough for WhatsApp to create our AI version. Afterwards, the Meta AI Llama model will create the desired images in WhatsApp according to the commands given by the users. To use this feature, it is necessary to enter a command such as “imagine me…” on the Meta AI chat screen or “meta AI imagine me…” on a chat screen.
At this point Meta What security measures will be taken? is unknown. On the other hand, it is not wrong to assume that no one but us can create our images. Artificial intelligence will probably be able to create images by understanding a single command, and it will be clear that these images are produced by artificial intelligence.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/whatsapp-kullanici-gorsel-olusturma-yapay-zeka-h146081.html