NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity found pure sulfur crystals in the rock it shattered while passing over it.
The Curiosity rover, which continues its work on the red planet Mars, caused the rock to break apart when it passed over a rock. When he analyzed the shattered rock, he made an unexpected discovery: There were crystals of pure sulfur in the rock.
Although sulfur-containing compounds have been found on Mars before, this is the first time sulfur has been found in pure form. According to NASA, pure sulfur crystals form only under certain conditions, and moreover, there is no event in the history of the region that could enable the formation of these crystals.
“It shouldn’t be there”
Gediz Vallis Canal The vehicle, which was inspecting the area known as , shattered one of the stones in the area on May 30. Information from the vehicle that subsequently examined the samples revealed the presence of pure sulfur. Curiosity’s scientists working on the project Ashwin Vasavadasaying that finding a region full of stones made of pure sulfur is like finding an oasis in the desert, “It shouldn’t be there, so now we need to explain it. Finding strange and unexpected things makes planetary exploration so exciting.” he said.
The team working on the project After seeing the yellow crystals He examined the structures closely using the camera on Curiosity’s robotic arm. Afterwards, the rover took a sample from another rock nearby. The data coming from the vehicle on the vehicle, which allows analyzing the structure of rocks and soil, was also confirmed by examinations made with NASA’s Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectometer.
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