While Apple’s new Magic Mouse model with USB-C connection was introduced to the market, no changes were made in the design despite long-standing criticism about the placement of the charging port. In this new model of the company, the charging port is located at the bottom of the device, as in the previous Lightning connection version. This situation creates discomfort among users as the mouse becomes unusable while charging.
The charging port on the bottom of the Magic Mouse requires charging by turning the device upside down. This situation reduces productivity, especially in busy working environments. Although the USB-C transition has been positively received by users, the preservation of this feature in the design shows that Apple prioritizes aesthetics and simplicity in the product experience. However, this decision is considered by users as a deficiency in terms of functionality, and requests for the port to be moved to the top or side continue.
With the introduction of the new model, Apple continues to expand the USB-C standard in its product ecosystem. The company’s goal of increasing the use of USB-C in all its devices is to comply with EU legislation and promote environmental sustainability. In this context, Magic Mouse now has the same connection standard as devices such as iPad and MacBook. However, this detail in the charging location, which has a significant impact on the user experience, brings to the fore Apple’s approach to striking a balance between aesthetics and functionality.
The new Magic Mouse, which is offered for sale in Turkey at a price of 4,779 TL, receives negative feedback from some users because it is not suitable for continuous use, especially in fast-paced work environments. While it is wondered when the company will change this design, users continue to expect the development of a more functional alternative.
Source link: https://www.teknoblog.com/apple-usbc-magic-mouse-tasarim/