As we all know, Alice in Wonderland tells the imaginary story of a young girl’s journey down a rabbit hole. There is even a neurological disorder named after the book. Moreover, the symptoms caused by this disorder are exactly the same as those of the book characters.
Years ago, a doctor noticed that the symptoms of the characters in this novel were also happening to people of the time. He calls this syndrome Alice in Wonderland syndrome.
Enter, Let’s look at the details of the issue.
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome was first described by British psychiatrist Dr. in 1955. It was introduced into the medical literature by John Todd.
The doctor describes the syndrome as lasting from a few minutes to a day. classified it with three basic symptoms. These were macropsia, which makes objects appear larger than they actually are, teleopsy, which makes them appear farther away, and micropsia, which makes them appear smaller.
Dr. Todd compared this medical condition to Lewis Carroll’s novel. Then with the book He found that there were many similarities between those who suffered from this condition.
People with this syndrome are really similar to those in the book, They have surreal experiences. For this reason, over time, the name of this syndrome began to be associated with Alice in Wonderland.
Essentially, this disorder caused patients to experience a series of visual and auditory distortions in response to the world around them.
One of the distinguishing features of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is was its effect on perceptual experiences. These effects included changes in the way people perceived themselves in relation to the world around them.
Some of them cut their own body parts as if He could see himself shrinking or growing as if his sizes were changing.. For some, the only thing that changed was the room around them. The room was growing or shrinking abnormally.
Moreover various slowing down or speeding up in time or sounds It was possible to experience. Again, all these were accompanied by unreal images.
For example, throughout your life, the faces of the people around you, Imagine transforming into dragon-like faces. This symptom can be given as an example of one of the visual distortions specific to Alice in Wonderland syndrome.
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