Meta, which includes giant social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, submitted some of its data to researchers to study the mental health of young people who share on Instagram within the scope of a research program. This decision brought about both ethical and scientific debates.
Young people’s Instagram data is under scientific scrutiny
With its latest decision, Meta is trying to determine whether social media is psychologically harmful to young users by submitting some of its Instagram data to researchers. According to the news from The Verge, with the joint work of the Open Science Center (COS) and Meta, independent studies examining the effects of social media on the mental health of young people will be produced.
This new study, called the Instagram Data Access Pilot Program, will conduct comprehensive research on how positive Instagram use is for teenagers and young adults. Instagram collected all data up to the last 6 months for this study. COS He agreed to share it with. In this sense, Instagram users’ doubts about data privacy have already come to the fore.
In order to resolve these doubts, Meta stated that it would only share data with researchers such as the Instagram user’s followers, the accounts they follow, account settings and the time spent on the photo sharing service. This data will be collected from users from 24 different countries in total and information about millions of different users will be provided.
What do you think about this issue? Did this decision taken by Meta considering the mental health of young people make you uneasy? Don’t forget to share your opinions with us in the comments section.
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