Did you know that it was a Viking king who gave his name to today’s wireless communication technology, Bluetooth?
Bluetooth’la adaş olan Harald BluetoothBy ascending to the throne in the 10th century, he established his presence that would make his name known to the whole world even centuries later.
So how come a king who reigned in the 10th century Can it shape the technological world of the 20th century? Where does this name Bluetooth come from?
The Viking king known as Harald Bluetooth Gormsson reigned in Denmark between 958 and 986.
of denmark Harald, known as the first Christian king It is not that easy to access accurate information about. If there is one thing known for certain about him, it is that he initiated a significant transformation in his country by converting from Paganism to Christianity.
This transition is not just a religious change; at the same time In Denmark’s national identity and it had a deep impact on its political structure. By embracing Christianity, Harald preserved the independence of the Danish Church and looked after the welfare of his people.
So why was the King known as Bluetooth?
The origin of Harald’s interesting nickname “Bluetooth” is actually a bit controversial. However, it is an accepted fact that a decayed tooth gets its name, which means “blue tooth”, due to its blueish color. Its name also appears as “Blåtand” in Danish. This means “blue tooth”.
Why your teeth are blue There are many related points that cannot be understood. Taking into account the period, it is not impossible to say that a decayed tooth can actually turn blue. However, another rumor about the King was that he was very fond of blueberries.
So why was its name given to wireless technology in the 20th century?
1997’de Intel, Ericsson, Nokia, Toshiba Large communications companies such as have developed wireless technology. The project was led by Scandinavian companies Nokia and Ericsson. While they were searching for a name for this technology, they discussed a topic about Viking history that caught their attention.
Known as a unifying king Harald BluetoothHe was exactly the type of person they were looking for. No other name than Bluetooth could be considered for this technology created to connect devices to each other. The accepted idea was launched in 1998, Ericsson produced the first Bluetooth phone.
Let’s talk about the logo…
History was also used for the logo. The Bluetooth logo is inspired by the medieval runic alphabet used by Germans and Scandinavians. Harald Blatand It contains the initials of their names.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/bluetooth-ismini-veren-viking-krali-h147009.html