Electric vehicles will significantly increase copper mining

Demand for copper is increasing

The paper recently published by the International Energy Forum (IEF) suggests that unless we find a way to meet the growing demand for the metal or drastically alter our electrification efforts, we will face a supply problem in the coming years.

Report, 2018 to 2050 It analyzes the copper supply between years. He matches this analysis with the demand for copper. Accordingly, to meet normal trends within 30 years 115 percent more copper than ever mined It is necessary. In addition, to electrify the global vehicle fleet 55 percent more copper mines coming into production The necessity is also underlined.

The report also says that copper exploration and mine development should be encouraged in the long term. It also calls for the ocean mining leg to be considered. The IEF is also creating an alternative, saying that the focus on hybrid vehicles has resulted in only a slight increase in copper supply. However, considering that hybrid vehicles continue to emit greenhouse gases makes it difficult for this to be a globally accepted alternative.

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