Heder is now element 120
Berkeley Lab’s international research team uses titanium beam They synthesized superheavy element 116 and announced that this was an important step in the construction of element 120. While the results of the study were presented at the Nuclear Structure 2024 conference, the study was also published on arXiv.
The team is working on the heavy ion accelerator, the 88-inch Cyclotron. 22 days of work As a result, he successfully synthesized two atoms of element 116 (livermorium). Being able to produce element 120 More precisely, being able to create 10 times longer will last is considered. Scientists now say that this is possible and if they can discover the 120th element, it will be in the eighth place of the periodic table as the heaviest atom ever created.
On the other hand, the superheavy elements discovered so far break down almost instantly. But the right combination of protons and neutrons could allow for more stable nuclei that survive longer and provide researchers with a unique state to study. These are extremely important because discovering extreme elements can provide insights into how atoms behave, test models of nuclear physics and determine the boundaries of the atomic nucleus.
Super heavy element making recipe
The recipe for making superheavy elements is quite simple in theory. Simply combine two lighter elements with the required number of protons in the final atom you want. This is actually something like basic math: 1+2=3.
In other words, you take two light elements and collide them to create a heavier element. For example, when you add the proton numbers of two elements, you get the proton number of the superheavy element you want.
Researchers often choose specific isotopes for their beams and targets, variants of elements that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. The most practical heavy target is the one with 98 protons. kalifornium-249 It is an isotope called . This means researchers need to use 20-proton cells to try to produce element 120. calcium-48 This means they cannot use the bundle. Instead, they need a bunch of atoms with 22 protons. this too titaniumsomething that is not commonly used in making superheavy elements.
Scientists spent weeks verifying that they could produce a sufficiently intense beam from the titanium-50 isotope to make element 116, the heaviest element ever made. This something that hasn’t been done before. As we said, elements 114 to 118 were made only by beaming calcium-48, which helps them fuse with target nuclei to produce superheavy elements.
marvel of engineering
Producing element 116, livermorium, starts with creating a sufficiently intense beam of titanium isotopes. The titanium-50 used for this is a rare isotope that makes up about 5 percent of natural titanium. This metal is placed in a furnace as small as the last part of your little finger and heated to 1600 degrees. At this temperature, titanium begins to evaporate.
This process takes place inside a complex superconducting magnet called VENUS, which traps the plasma. In the plasma, free electrons gain energy with microwaves, removing 12 of titanium’s 22 electrons. The charged titanium ions are directed with the help of magnets and accelerated in the Cyclotron. Then, every second, approximately 6 trillion titanium ions hit the target, which is thinner than a sheet of paper and rotates to dissipate heat. In this process, accelerator operators help precisely adjust the energy level of the beam. Because if there is not enough energy, the isotopes will not combine; if there is too much, the titanium may split the target nuclei. When these challenging processes are completed, the desired rare super heavy element is formed.
The process will begin for the 120th element
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