The name of X before Elon Musk Twitter was. Back when Twitter was Twitter, Twitter, just like Facebook, aimed to gather different brands and platforms under its umbrella. One of these brands was Vine. Twitter, In January 2017 He pulled the plug on Vine, which could no longer make money and was losing users.
When Elon Musk took Twitter and turned it into X, he actually acquired all the assets of the company, and Vine was among these assets. The popular billionaire’s posts on X attracted attention. Musk created a poll post “Should Vine come back?” asked.
Participants want to see Vine
“Should Vine come back?”
Elon Musk’s survey, at the time of this news “Yes” vote ahead with 70.5% was. If the survey 441 bin 610 people participated. The result of this survey may also motivate Musk, who has recently wanted to increase the number of users and attract more advertisers.
Vine, which has stubbornly stuck to the 6-second video concept in the past and has had difficulty developing monetization methods, may take on a different atmosphere under the management of Elon Musk, with changes to be made. His TikTok is rakip It looks like it could turn into a platform.
What do you think about Vine? Would you like him to come back?
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