Unmanned warplane developed by Baykar Bayraktar Kızılelma Development continues at full speed. It has both engine and design changes compared to the first 2 prototypes. 3rd prototype Baykar, who continues his (PT-3) tests, announced that he recently carried out engine starting and running tests.
Kızılelma PT-3 is very close to flying
Bayraktar Kızılelma, which was developed with a huge resource of 1 billion dollars, is in its 3rd prototype. from both design and structural changes is in the past. In PT-3 configuration to a new engine Baykar will have afterburner capability with this engine and therefore supersonic flight capability.
Ivchenko AI-322F Switching to its engine, Kızılelma can produce 2,500 kgf (24.5 kN; 5,511.6 lbf) thrust. When the afterburner is activated, the thrust increases to 4,200 kgf (41.2 kN; 9,259.4 lbf). Tests for Bayraktar Kızılelma PT-3 are progressing very quickly. Considering this rapid progress, we can assume that the first flight with the new engine will be very soon.
What will Kızılelma do?
As defense doctrines change rapidly, it is predicted that future air battles will be fought with unmanned combat jets. In this context, Bayraktar KIZILELMA (MIUS), developed nationally by Baykar, will direct this new combat concept. This system, developed with the experience of Bayraktar UAV/SIHAs, will be equipped with future technologies and will be able to conduct air-air combats with aggressive maneuvers. KIZILELMA, which has a low radar signature, will be able to take off and land from ships with short runways and attack targets with ammunition in the hull.
Bayraktar Red Apple features
- 5 Hours Airborne Time
- 1500 Kilogram Payload Capacity
- 8.5 Ton Maximum Takeoff Weight
- 0.6 Mach Cruising Speed
- 0.9 Mach Maximum Speed
- 30,000 Feet Operational Altitude
- 500 nm Mission Radius
- Automatic Landing and Takeoff
- Low Visibility
- High Maneuverability
- Line of Sight and Beyond Line of Sight Communications
- Takeoff and Landing Ability from Short Runway Aircraft Carriers
- High Situational Awareness with AESA Radar
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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/bayraktar-kizilelma-pt-3-ten-motor-calistirma-ve-kosu-testi–180654