The app lock feature on WhatsApp required biometric authentication before showing your messages. Previously, Pixel 8 and 8 Pro owners could only use their fingerprint or PIN to unlock.
While it provides support for many applications such as face unlock and banking on Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, it will now also provide authentication on WhatsApp with the recent update.
How to Use Face Unlock Support?
When you launch it for face unlock, the system face unlock page appears at the bottom of the screen, while there is now a ring around the front camera.
Additionally, if your face is not visible, the fingerprint prompt will return after a few seconds. With this update, there are also some visual changes on the “WhatsApp Locked” screen.
Face Unlock on the Pixel 8 series meets Android’s highest level of biometric standards. Google states that Tensor G3’s advanced machine learning algorithms ensure this.
What is WhatsApp Chat Lock? How does it work?
With the WhatsApp Chat Lock feature, it significantly improves privacy and security. The new function added to the instant messaging platform makes some chats inaccessible to other people.
With the update of WhatsApp to version, users can use face unlock support on Pixel 8.
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