Fibabanka’s investment and financial technology company Finbergannounced its prominent figures in a recent press release. According to the information shared, Finberg said, Founded in 2018 the first background 4.9 multiplier ve 61 percent Internal Rate of Return It closed with (IRR).
Among Finberg’s prominent investments are United Payment (formerly Unified Payment) and Garage Sepeti It is located. At this point Garaj Sepeti It was acquired by Mexico-based Kavak in 2021. Let’s remind you. Likewise in 2019 A valuation of over $50 million United Payment, which came to the fore with its investment from Finberg, will launch in 2021. Received investment from OYAK Portföy Venture Capital Funds.
According to the shared data, Finberg, 49 startups in 7 years ve 11 VC fund investments carried out. In this context 6 exits worth 42 million dollars from 60 investments worth 72 million dollars happened.
Meanwhile last month İhsan Elgin and Finberg’s 2023 and their future plans Let’s remember what we talked about. In the interview, Elgin stated that in total in 2023 13 investments stated that they did it. 13 investments 5th ongoing investments Let’s add that it is. According to the information shared by Elgin, the total amount of investment made in 2023 is over $3 million.
Areas where Finberg invests are both 26 percent with Fintech ve RetailTech stands out as. The institution’s VC investments constitute 20 percent of its investment areas. Finberg’s investments 76.7 percentnative of, remaining 23.3 percentLet’s add that 100% of these were made to foreign companies.
Finberg in 2024 FİBA Opportunity Fund II, FİBA Early Growth Fund, Single Enterprise Focused Fund and Special Purpose GDP to be 4 fon will operate with.
Focused on seed capital investments, Fiba Opportunity Fund II will invest up to $1 million per venture. Fiba Early Growth Fund, on the other hand, will focus on Bridge, Series A and Series B investments and will invest 1 million dollars or more per venture.
We would like to point out that Single Enterprise Focused Funds and Special Purpose GDPs are open to investors outside the Fiba Group. Single Venture Focused Funds will aim to fund the entire investment amount of a venture. Let us state here that the Single Fund Size is over 5 million dollars. Special Purpose GDPFs, on the other hand, will be aimed at funding a business’s own investment plan. Here too, the Single Fund Size is over 5 million dollars.
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