The screen and DDI information to be used for the Samsung Galaxy S24FE has been revealed. Smartphones have many components, and among these components, DDI Also called display drivers are also included. For DDIs, which convert the data processed by smartphones into images and play an important role in visual quality Samsungon Galaxy S24FE model Anapass is collaborating with.
Samsung Galaxy S24FEwill be used in OLED Using Anapass DDI for displays can also have an impact on the design of the phone. The company, which previously specialized in time controllers, provides the advantage of being able to examine phone frames with the DDI it developed.
Millions of DDIs will be produced
Galaxy S24FEbut they fall OLED It is known that the screen will be used. For this reason, chip packaging will be done on film. Achieving this is considered to be a more difficult process than on-glass integration. In response to this challenge, placing DDI on film provides design freedom for the panel and allows the frames to be thinner. Film-on-chip packaging will be produced by Stemco.
Samsung is expected to launch it in the summer of this year. South Korean technology giant from this model plans to sell millions of units. This is the annual income of Anapass 100 billion won (2.366 billion TL) will enable it to reach its level.
On the other hand, this is not the first agreement between these two companies. Samsung Display It had previously supplied DDI from Anapass for the variants they developed for Chinese customers. Samsung’s two largest suppliers in this field are Samsung System LSI and Magnachip stands out as.
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