The movie begins with Santa Claus being kidnapped. Callum Drift (Dwayne Johnson), who is responsible for security at the North Pole, has to ask for help from the famous bounty hunter Jack O’Malley (Chris Evans) to bring Santa Claus back before Christmas. The duo embarks on an action-packed adventure to save Christmas. In the movie, Santa Claus is played by JK Simmons.
Red One will be released on November 15
Designed as a blockbuster Christmas movie, Red One was actually expected to be released during last year’s New Year’s Eve. However, Amazon made a surprise decision and pushed the movie forward a year. In the news at the time, it was said that the movie was quite problematic and Amazon had no choice but to postpone the movie. Later information revealed that the budget of the film reached 250 million dollars due to problems experienced on the set.
All these sensations show that Red One may turn into one of the biggest flops of recent years. However, at the end of the day, it will be the audience that decides. We have also witnessed films that were released under similar conditions and achieved success at the box office. But at least for now, the outlook doesn’t look good for Red One and Amazon. Amazon will need to do a great job with its promotional campaign to reverse this trend.
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