A new one has been added to those who postponed their electric car plans. Ford has abandoned its plan to sell fully electric vehicles in Europe by 2030.
Many automobile giants were normally planning to switch to fully electric vehicles in the coming years. However, the lack of demand caused them to postpone these plans. Today, it was revealed that a similar move will be made by Ford.
US-based company, normally By 2030, only electric cars will be available in Europe He was planning to sell it. This plan was announced in 2021. In 2026, they would make all their local models plug-in hybrids. However, these plans have changed.
Lack of demand has discouraged Ford from switching to all-electric vehicles in Europe
Marin Gjaja, COO of Ford’s Model E electrification division, told Autocar that going all-electric in Europe by 2030 will benefit both their customers and themselves. It won’t be a good option he stated.
According to Gjaja, who said that Ford’s plans were too ambitious, the reasons for giving up were, as you can imagine, customers’ for electric vehicles Not enough demand. The manager thinks that the high cost of electric vehicles and the decrease in government incentives are effective in reducing demand.
thing, vehicle with more than one powertrain He also stated that his approach would be effective to remain competitive, especially in Europe. So the company both internal combustion, full electric and hybrid models He thinks it’s a much better option to offer.
European Union Announces Whether to Postpone Plan to Switch to All-Electric Cars in 2035
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/ford-2030-avrupa-elektrikli-otomobil-planlari-vazgecti-h146867.html