Google developed a robot that can play table tennis!

With the introduction of artificial intelligence into our lives, robots that only perform certain tasks are now appearing in more complex matters. For example, like playing table tennis. By showing the robot it developed playing table tennis today, Google managed to attract the attention of the whole world again.

DeepMind, Google’s artificial intelligence program development company, founded in 2010, today unveiled the robot it has been working on for a while. Artificial intelligence, which has reached every aspect of life in recent years, has today placed a robot at the end of the table tennis table.

DeepMind, which places a human at one end of the table tennis table and a robotic arm at the other, states that the robot’s table tennis performance is “at the level of a solid amateur human.” In other words, he is not a professional, but he is seen as more successful than an amateur player.

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In the shared video, the robot demonstrates that it can make light and hard kicks, respond to these kicks, and throw fast and slow balls, and also shows how quickly it makes decisions for various hits. This arm, stated by Google officials to be the first amateur human-level robot in table tennis, eliminated 55 percent of its mid-level opponents during the testing phase. However, when he faced an advanced player, he could not even win a game.

Google DeepMind robot, which has gained a good place in table tennis with an average success rate of 45 percent for now, has managed to surprise everyone, to be frank. What do you think about this? We welcome your ideas in the comments.

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