It is aimed to increase high technology exports from 9.1 billion dollars to 19.5 billion dollars and the share of high and medium-high technology sectors in manufacturing industry exports from 40.3 to 49.5 percent by 2028. The HIT-30 program aims to implement new projects in the fields of electric vehicles, batteries, solar cells, wind turbines, chips and R&D in Turkey by 2030, and then in healthy living technologies and similar high-tech fields, and hyper-scale data center investments. .
In which areas will HIT-30 include investments?
With the HIT-30 program, qualified supports will be provided for investments in semiconductors, mobility, green energy, advanced manufacturing, healthy living, digital technologies, communications, space and more than 30 titles that will develop value chains in these fields. Four qualifications will be required for investments. It will be considered that it is an investment focusing on new technologies, that it has the necessary economic scale for competition, that it has technical competence and financial sufficiency, and that it includes a technological gain dimension.
Within the scope of the HIT-30 High Technology Investment Program, initially 6 different calls were made. With these calls, it is aimed to make private sector investments of at least 20 billion dollars. The 6 calls initiated within the scope of HIT-30 are as follows:
Support for electric car investments
With the HIT electric vehicles call, the annual electric vehicle production capacity in Turkey to be increased to at least 1 million units annually The 5 billion dollar incentive package is being put into effect. It is aimed to bring new generation energy vehicle investments, which include R&D and engineering activities, with a high localization rate and export potential, to our country.
Support for battery production
Battery production has been determined as another priority area for our automotive industry to maintain its competitiveness. By 2030 with battery call 80 gigawatt hours It is aimed to become a regional production base by building capacity. For this target, it includes grant support of up to 6 thousand dollars per megawatt-hour. total incentive package of 4.5 billion dollars made available to investors.
Support for chip production
The HIT-30 Program chip call was launched with the aim of building industrial-scale chip production capacity in Turkey. At least one product based on current production technologies industrial scale chip factory to bring to our country A $5 billion incentive package was put into operation. Strong support has been prepared, including capital contribution and grant support of up to 40 percent.
Support for renewable energy investments
in solar energy Grant support of up to 8 thousand dollars per megawatt will be provided for cell investments towards the establishment of a capacity of 15 gigawatts. The total of this package reaches 2.5 billion dollars. in wind energy It aims to support the manufacturing of products such as critical components and offshore turbines and to build a domestic wind energy brand. A total of 1.7 billion dollars was allocated for these investments.
Support for R&D investments of the 1,000 largest companies
It is stated that the sixth and last call is for an attractive and flexible model that will bring the research and development centers of major technology companies to Turkey. In terms of R&D activities The world’s top 1000 companies We will cover half of the personnel expenses of the new centers to be established in our country for 5 years.
As the first step of the HIT-30 Program. TuriTech, a company that is critical for TOGG’s long-term success, will develop autonomous vehicle technologies in Turkey with an R&D investment of over 10 billion liras within the scope of the program.
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