Many of us deeply feel the impact of the difficulties we experienced as children. What if we said that these difficulties also have an impact on our brain functions?
The research titled “Dimensions of early life adversity and their associations with functional brain organization” was published in 2024. important results revealed.
Difficulties encountered at an early age with brain functions The research, which aims to determine what kind of relationship there is, focuses on revealing how various difficulties experienced during childhood shape our brains.
Before moving on to the research results, let’s take a look at the methodology.
This research conducted on children 5798 children It is done on a sample that includes.
Of the 5798 child participants who participated in the research, 51.43% female, 48.57% male It is seen that their average age is 7.5 years old.
to the difficulties experienced (physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, community violence, parental neglect, financial deprivation, traumatic events) In addition to the survey conducted on the subject, functional MRI imaging is performed.
Then, the obtained data were analyzed and the mentioned difficulties were determined. on brain functions The effect is being determined.
Let’s start examining the findings. Various parts of the brain are affected, especially the part responsible for emotions!
Challenges characterized by physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, community violence, parental neglect, financial deprivation, traumatic events It affects various parts of the brain.
Study, functional brain organization, somatosensory functions (emotional perception and body sensation), subcortical functions (motor functions, some basic emotional processes and memory) and finally general brain functions It focuses on the effects on
The results obtained area responsible for emotions It shows that the development of the regions we have mentioned, especially, is affected by the difficulties experienced during childhood.
The strongest impact is seen due to financial difficulties! Its biggest effect is on the area responsible for emotions!
Financial difficulties, home and environmental instability, and parental neglect during childhood reduces clustering between connections in the brainIt is stated that this weakens the coordination between brain regions.
Financial difficulties have the strongest impact on brain regions somatosensory (sensory perception) and subcortical (motor functions and basic emotional processing) networks It is stated that it shows on.
Parental neglect and home and environmental instability effects throughout the brain conclusion is reached.
In summary, this research shows that the challenges children face at an early age have significant effects on their brain structure.
Researchers have found that different types of challenges that children face affect different regions and functions of their brains in various ways, and these effects will reflect on mental health reaches its conclusion.
In the study, especially financial difficulties Attention is drawn to this issue by emphasizing its powerful effects on brain organization and mental health.
Of course, as with every scientific research, this research has some limitations and is only can be expanded within the scope of its own sample. Let’s end our content by reminding you again.
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