We assume that visually impaired people perceive the world as black, but the situation is not that simple. There are many things that are difficult for us to perceive. We will describe it based on the experience of a visually impaired person.
Many of us have wondered how we would perceive the world if we were visually impaired, and almost all of our guesses go no further than pitch darkness. what we see when we close our eyes that’s it.
But that’s not the case. In front of the eyes of the visually impaired There is no black color. Let’s explain what actually happens through the eyes of both congenitally and acquired visually impaired people.
Visually impaired people do not see the world as black.
Dr. İrem Özdemir explains how visually impaired people see the world as follows:
“Most people think that visually impaired people see the world What you see is black and dark We think that because when we close our eyes, all we can see is blackness, but this is not actually the case. Since the message to the brain is interrupted, visually impaired people cannot see anything. It’s hard for us to imagine, but think of it this way. “Just like when you close one eye, all the areas seen by that eye disappear, visually impaired people see this way.”
This, of course, varies between those who are blind from birth and those who become blind later on.
As we mentioned above, people who are blind from birth have never perceived their environment visually throughout their lives. when you literally see nothing those who became blind later; They can see things like colors, shapes, lights, darkness.
A person who later became visually impaired shares his experience as follows:
“Right now it’s front and center with turquoise sparkles on a dark brown background. In fact, it has now turned green. There’s currently bright blue with yellow flecks, and orange that’s threatening to cover the entire landscape. In the rest of my vision crushed geometric shapes, scribbles and clouds and they change before I can describe them. Come back in an hour and they will be completely different. If I close my eyes to escape all this mess, nothing changes. “They never leave.”
In short, congenitally visually impaired people experience things they did not perceive before. Because they can’t see anything They do not see anything, but those who are blind later experience some images such as lights, shapes, colors.
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Source link: https://www.webtekno.com/gorme-engelliler-dunyayi-nasil-goruyor-h146755.html