Rockstar Games Released in September 2013 by Grand Theft Auto 5 or in short GTA 5is among the most popular games in the world. The game, which is purchased by thousands of people every month, is considered one of the best open world games.
One of the reasons behind this popularity is that there are many types of vehicles. There is a wide variety of vehicles, from luxury sports cars to classic vehicles, from motorcycles to planes and helicopters. Moreover, some cars can be opened. Alright GTA 5 Which is the button to open the top of the car and how to do it? We answered this frequently asked question in this content. Here’s all you need to know…
How to open the top of a GTA 5 car? Which key?
GTA 5provides a unique driving experience with the unique driving dynamics and physical reactions of each vehicle in the game. Equipped with a highly studied physics engine, the game tries to accurately reflect the real-world physical characteristics of vehicles such as speed, weight and traction.
On the other hand, the vehicles also have features that are not well known. For example, opening the top of the car, which allows players to enjoy open-air driving, is among these features. Of course, not all vehicles can be opened. This feature is only available on vehicles named Cognoscenti Convertible, Carbonizzare and Sentinel. Then let’s move on to the part of opening the top of the GTA 5 car.
PC (Computer)
GTA 5 To open the top of the car on the PC, you need to press and hold the “H” key for a few seconds. You can cover the vehicle again by pressing the same button once again.
- Step 1: Get in a convertible.
- Step 2: Press and hold the “H” key for a few seconds.
P.S. 3/4/5
GTA 5 your game PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5 If you are playing via , you must use the “Right Navigation” key on your console to open or close the top of the car.
- Step 1: Get in a convertible.
- Step 2: Use the “Right Navigation” key for a few seconds.
– In this content, we talked about opening the top of the GTA 5 car.
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