Ali Yerlikaya made a statement about the illegal use of flashing lights, which has become a big problem in our country. Minister Yerlikaya said that deterrent penalties will now be applied to those who use strobe lights.
Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Yerlikaya, in our country traffic regarding the problems made an important statement. In this statement, Minister Yerlikaya touched upon the illegal use of flashlights and declared that from now on, not everyone will be able to wear flashlights. Because with an arrangement Penalty for illegal use of strobe lights A significant increase was made.
According to the current regulation, the penalty for using a flashlight illegally is only 6.440 TL was. Citizens who took advantage of this were using flashlights, especially in cities with heavy traffic such as Istanbul, and were usurping the rights of other drivers. However, with the new regulation, using a strobe light will not be that easy. Because due to illegal use of strobe lights 96 thousand TL A fine will be imposed. Also the driver your license will be confiscated and the vehicle will be banned from traffic.
Ali Yerlikaya’s statement is as follows:
With the “Law on Amendments to the Internal Affairs Officers Law and Certain Laws and the Decree Law No. 375” passed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly last night;
a) A traffic administrative fine of 96,000 TL will be imposed on drivers using flashlights,
b) Driver’s licenses will be withdrawn for thirty days and
c) The vehicle will be banned from traffic for thirty days.
d) If the driver has violated the law two or more times within a year from the date of the last violation, a traffic administrative fine of 192,000 TL will be imposed on the drivers each time, their driver’s license will be withdrawn for sixty days and the vehicle will be banned from traffic for sixty days.
e) Flashing devices installed on vehicles that are not permitted in the legislation will be confiscated by the civil authority and the civil authority will decide to transfer their ownership to the public.
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As you can see in the statement above, citizens who use flashlights illegally are now They will face deterrent penalties. The regulation that will enter into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette How effective will it be? We will see it all together.
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