As it is known, the life of the ISS is coming to an end and NASA will deliberately take the station out of orbit and destroy it around 2030 within the scope of its agreement with SpaceX. Against this SpaceX, Blue Origin, Planet, Rocket Lab, Virgin Galactic, Axiom Space ve Sierra Space Private companies such as are preparing to usher in a new era of commercial space stations.
Private companies are stepping into space
Currently Blue Origin, – With companies like Redwire, Sierra Space and Boeing – a mixed-use business and science park in orbit Orbital ReefHe is building . The space station will serve as a scalable, modular outpost for research, manufacturing, tourism and more. The main living area of the station will be a cabin for 10 crew members. Orbital Reef is also Sierra Space‘s inflatable LIFE It will have habitat. This habitat will provide a larger volume than previous additions.
Additionally, Axiom Space hopes to send its first commercial module to the ISS by 2026. Nanoracks, a project involving Voyager Space and Lockheed Martin Starlab The space station targets 2028. Both Axiom, Blue Origin and Starlab projects have also won support awards from NASA.
States do not cease to exist
While it may seem like commercial companies are flocking to space and governments are retreating from space, that’s not necessarily the case. As in China’s plans for Tiangong, states are now looking more favorably towards trading partners. For example NASAwill orbit the Moon Gateway space station wants to establish. Gateway will be built with the contribution of commercial companies as well as NASA.
NASA is currently 2028 planned for Artemis 4 plans to send astronauts to Gateway. Astronauts right now 2025′planned to be launched in Habitable and Logistics OutpostThey will live and work in . NASA aims to add a second habitable module before the first crewed mission arrives.
Meanwhile, Russia and China International Lunar Research Station ILRS has a target. A Moon base project managed by Roscosmos and the China National Space Administration (CNSA). ILRS will serve as a comprehensive scientific experiment base built on the lunar surface or in lunar orbit, capable of conducting multi-disciplinary and multi-purpose scientific research activities, including exploration and exploitation, Moon-based observation, basic scientific experimentation and technical validation, and long-term autonomous operation. ILRSof 2035 to be completed by and 2036 It is planned to be fully operational in 2017.
After Gateway, both countries and private companies will set their sights on the Moon. Although there are no definitive projects yet, the establishment of living spaces on the lunar surface is being evaluated by the USA, Europe and China.
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