OnlyFans Merve Taşkın, who made a name for herself with the obscene photos she shared on her account, announced that she had recently moved from Turkey. Taşkın, who earned more than 100 thousand TL monthly but said that this money was not enough for him, received great reaction on social media. The phenomenal name has now claimed that he was subjected to violence by his girlfriend. The comments under the photos shared by Taşkın made us say give up.
OnlyFans star Merve Taşkın was subjected to violence by her boyfriend! The comments made me say give up!
The star name, whose every post and statement became an event, shared the cuts and bruises on her body on her social media account. Taşkın shared the details of the terrible violence he experienced with his followers. “Firstly you have pity on me or
pain I’m not sharing these for you to do.
The violence had reached such dangerous levels that I am thankful that I did not die or become disabled. He was punching my head, ear, nose, kicking my stomach and genitals. Sometimes he threatened to kill me or maim me. Maybe he was threatening me out of anger, but I could have accidentally died in his hands while beating me, even if it wasn’t intentional, because he was hitting me in extremely dangerous places. “There is no permanent damage left except for my finger,” he said.
He said that he actually saw the violence 3 months ago.
OnlyFans The model said, “My answer to the question of why are you sharing now and not 3 months ago is that there was no strong Merve at that time. Maybe there would be comments like this: ‘You deserve violence, it’s good.’ “I was not in a psychological state that could handle this sentence at that time.” said.
If their allegations are true, it is truly a saddening event that a woman is subjected to violence. However, unfortunately, there were no shortage of disgusting comments even about this incident. Taşkın, who shared some comments and messages sent to him, “Brother-in-law He reacted to comments such as “I think he likes hardcore.” and “He likes it by biting.”
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