iPhone 16 was viewed live for the first time: Here is its design

iPhone 16 was viewed live for the first time

For those who missed it, it is said that especially the camera and button layout will change in the iPhone 16 models. In this context, while the general design language remains the same, standard versions cross camera placement It will end. This means that the camera sensors on the back are just like on the iPhone X and iPhone 12. will be aligned vertically means.

Apart from this, four iPhone 16 models, namely iPhone 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max, are also expected to be released with the Apple A18 chipset. At this stage, Pro models will get the A18 Pro version, while vanilla will get the base A18 chipset. Apple is also expected to offer a 3,561mAh battery inside the iPhone 16, which is 6% larger than the cell in the iPhone 15.

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Source link: https://www.donanimhaber.com/iphone-16-ilk-kez-canli-olarak-goruntulendi-iste-tasarimi–180115